Monday 27 March 2023

How to treat haemorrhoid

One of my sister complaining every time she goes to the loo, she is always in pain because of haemorrhoids.  I had been a user of Forever Living Products in ages, since I was in the Philippines. 

I suggested to her to try the Aloe Activator.  Actually it is for facial cleansing, is just out of the blue, I told her to try it.  Since she doesn't want to see the doctor.

She did tried it anyway.  Every night she get a half of cotton balls and wet it with Aloe Activator and stuck it in that place.  You know what I mean....hahaha.  She was doing that religiously.  I did not know how many weeks or months she did it.  The good news is her haemorrhoid disappeared.

If you want to try check this out ๐Ÿ‘‰ Aloe Activator